DECEMBER 9-11, 2024

Join us for the most anticipated event of the year in the field of close protection.

Ready to elevate your expertise, expand your network, and take your close protection career to the next level?

The 2024 Close Protection Conference brings together the industry's brightest minds for a powerful learning and networking experience you won't find anywhere else.

The Close Protection Conference is the largest and most influential global protective security industry event.

The Conference will run from December 9 - 11, 2024, in Nashville, TN.

The CP Conference & EP Training is hosted by the International Protective Security Board (IPSB), the only non-profit EP-centric board with the mission of elevating protection professionals' standards, opportunities, and industry insights, which is committed to delivering a unique educational and networking experience for seasoned service providers, new and aspiring EP professionals, and for representatives of all industry sectors.

Putting the conference together is always a herculean effort.

Additionally, all the speakers and panelists are volunteers, as the IPSB’s motto is by, with, and for the industry.

We have a dynamic lineup of educational panels and networking opportunities.



The "Who is this for?" section is where you define and describe the target audience or ideal attendees for your conference. This section helps you identify the specific demographic, interests, and needs of the people you want to attract to your event.

Key Elements:

1. Demographic Information: This includes details such as age, gender, occupation, income level, location, and any other relevant demographic factors that characterize your target audience.

2. Interests and Preferences: Describe the interests, preferences, and pain points of your target audience. What topics or themes are they interested in? What challenges are they facing that your conference can help address?

3. Benefits and Outcomes: Highlight the benefits and outcomes that your target audience can expect from attending your conference. How will they benefit personally or professionally? What value will they gain from participating?


The purpose of defining your target audience is to ensure that your conference is tailored to meet the needs and interests of the people you want to attract. By understanding who your audience is and what they're looking for, you can create a more compelling and relevant conference experience that resonates with them.


Identifying your target audience is crucial for effective marketing and promotion. It allows you to tailor your messaging, content, and outreach efforts to appeal directly to the people most likely to be interested in attending your conference. This targeted approach can help you attract more qualified attendees and maximize the impact of your event.

Action Steps:

1. Conduct research to gather insights about your target audience, including demographic information, interests, and preferences.

2. Use the information gathered to create detailed personas or profiles that represent your ideal attendees.

3. Incorporate these personas into your conference planning and marketing strategy to ensure that all aspects of your event are designed with your target audience in mind.



In the "Problem" section of the landing page, you identify and describe the main challenge or pain point that your target audience is facing. This section is where you highlight the problem that your conference aims to address and emphasize why it's important for attendees to find a solution.

Key Elements:

1. Identify the Challenge: Clearly state the specific problem or issue that your target audience is struggling with. What are they currently experiencing that is causing them frustration, inconvenience, or dissatisfaction?

2. Provide Context: Offer background information or context to help the audience understand the significance of the problem. Explain why it's a pressing issue that needs to be addressed and how it's impacting their lives or businesses.

3. Create Empathy: Use language that resonates with your audience and conveys empathy for their situation. Show that you understand their struggles and frustrations, which helps build rapport and trust.


The purpose of the "Problem" section is to capture the attention of your audience by highlighting a challenge or pain point that they can relate to. By identifying a problem that resonates with them, you can grab their interest and motivate them to keep reading to learn more about how your conference can help solve their issue.


Addressing the problem directly helps create a sense of urgency and emphasizes the need for a solution, making your conference more compelling to potential attendees. By articulating the problem clearly and convincingly, you can increase the perceived value of your event and encourage more people to register.

Action Steps:

1. Research Audience Pain Points: Conduct surveys, interviews, or market research to identify common challenges or pain points faced by your target audience.

2. Craft a Compelling Problem Statement: Use clear and concise language to articulate the problem in a way that resonates with your audience and highlights its significance.

3. Provide Examples or Stories: Use real-life examples, testimonials, or case studies to illustrate the impact of the problem and make it more tangible for your audience.



In the "Agitate" section of the landing page, you intensify the problem or pain point that you identified in the "Problem" section. This involves delving deeper into the negative consequences, frustrations, or challenges associated with the problem to evoke strong emotions and increase the audience's desire for a solution.

Key Elements:

1. Highlight Pain Points: Expand on the negative aspects of the problem and its impact on the audience. Describe the specific challenges, obstacles, or frustrations they may encounter as a result of the problem.

2. Evoke Emotions: Use descriptive language and storytelling techniques to evoke emotions such as frustration, anxiety, fear, or dissatisfaction. Help the audience empathize with the difficulties they face and create a sense of urgency to find a solution.

3. Paint a Vivid Picture: Provide vivid descriptions or scenarios that illustrate the consequences of not addressing the problem. Help the audience visualize the potential pitfalls or missed opportunities they may experience if they continue to ignore the issue.


The purpose of the "Agitate" section is to intensify the audience's dissatisfaction or discomfort with the problem, making them more receptive to the solution you offer. By highlighting the negative consequences and emotional impact of the problem, you increase the perceived value of your conference as a solution to their pain points.


Agitating the problem helps capture and maintain the audience's attention by amplifying their desire for a solution. By highlighting the severity and consequences of the problem, you create a sense of urgency and motivate them to take action, such as registering for your conference.

Action Steps:

1. Identify Pain Points: Review the pain points identified in the "Problem" section and identify specific aspects that can be further emphasized or expanded upon.

2. Use Descriptive Language: Choose words and phrases that evoke strong emotions and create vivid mental images for the audience. Appeal to their senses and experiences to make the problem feel real and tangible.

3. Provide Examples or Scenarios: Share real-life examples, case studies, or testimonials that illustrate the challenges and frustrations associated with the problem. Help the audience see themselves in these situations and recognize the need for a solution.



In the "Solve" section of the landing page, you present your solution to the problem identified earlier in the "Problem" section and intensified in the "Agitate" section. This is where you introduce your conference as the ultimate solution to address the audience's pain points and provide them with a path forward.

Key Elements:

1. Introduce Your Solution: Clearly articulate how your conference addresses the challenges and pain points discussed earlier. Highlight the unique features, benefits, and value propositions that set your conference apart as the ideal solution.

2. Showcase Benefits: Emphasize the positive outcomes and benefits that attendees can expect from participating in your conference. Focus on how your conference will help them overcome obstacles, achieve their goals, and experience tangible results.

3. Provide Social Proof: Share testimonials, case studies, or success stories from past attendees to demonstrate the effectiveness and credibility of your conference. Show how others have benefited from attending and how it has transformed their businesses or careers.


The purpose of the "Solve" section is to present your conference as the definitive solution to the audience's problem and alleviate their pain points. By showcasing the benefits, features, and success stories associated with your conference, you build credibility and trust, encouraging attendees to take action and register for the event.


The "Solve" section is critical for persuading the audience to engage with your conference by clearly articulating the value and benefits they will receive. By effectively communicating how your conference addresses their needs and provides a solution to their challenges, you motivate them to take the next step and register for the event.

Action Steps:

1. Highlight Unique Features: Identify the unique aspects of your conference that differentiate it from competitors and make it an attractive solution for attendees. Highlight these features prominently to showcase the value proposition of your event.

2. Emphasize Benefits: Clearly communicate the benefits and outcomes that attendees can expect from participating in your conference. Focus on how your event will address their pain points, solve their problems, and help them achieve their objectives.

3. Use Compelling Language: Use persuasive language and compelling storytelling techniques to capture the audience's attention and evoke excitement about your conference. Appeal to their emotions and aspirations to create a sense of urgency and motivation to take action.



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Speaker applications are open!

If you are interested in being a speaker at this year's Close Protection Conference, please see our "Call for Speakers" page here:



Rex Tillerson

As the 69th Secretary of State of the United States, Mr. Tillerson brought a wealth of experience and strategic acumen to the world stage, demonstrating unparalleled leadership and a keen understanding of geopolitical dynamics.

Prior to his role as Secretary of State, he held the position of Chairman and CEO of ExxonMobil, one of the world's largest publicly traded international oil and gas companies.

Jacquie Davis

Davis started her career as a police officer in London UK back in the 1970's she was the first female to do the close protection and surveillance course.

On entering the private security industry, she found the old boys network a great supplier of work so by infiltrating that network she was passed around to various agencies working close protection and undercover tasks.

Brian Bixler

An internationally recognized expert, Bixler is a retired Captain of the Los Angeles Police Department.

He served as the Commanding Officer of Los Angeles Police Department Metropolitan Division, encompassing SWAT, K9, Dignitary Protection Unit, and more.

Fred Burton

A former Chief Security and Compliance Officer at Stratfor, Burton boasts a distinguished law enforcement background.

Notably, he played a pivotal role in apprehending the World Trade Center bomber, and investigated the 1988 plane crash which killed the President of Pakistan and U.S. Ambassador, and the hostages held captive by Hezbolllah.

Etta Lanum

After serving in the Washington Army National Guard, Lanum earned her Juris Doctor and is currently a Threat Management Program Manager at InterCon Security where she brings over a decade of experience in protective and geopolitical intelligence.

Lanum has been published in many reputable journals such as Lawfare Media, Slate Magazine, the Journal of Threat Assessment and Management, and IO Sphere.

Dr. Michael Guirguis

A Harvard Medical School graduate, Dr. Guirguis is Board Certified in Emergency Medicine.

With extensive experience in Pre-Hospital Care, Tactical Medicine, and Flight Medicine, he's a Reserve Sheriff Deputy with San Bernardino Sheriff Air Rescue team.

As the Chief Medical Officer for XPJ, Guirguis provides medical threat assessment consulting and oversight for executive protection programs.

Lee Oughton

The Chief Customer Officer at SPS, Oughton is the Co-Founder and Kindness Crusader for the Kindness Games. He is a dynamic executive with a successful international career in security and risk management.

A recognized positive influencer, he has championed strategies to minimize risks incorporate and high-risk environments.

Mac Segal

Bringing over 30 years of expertise, Segal, CEO of AHNA Group, specializes in Executive Protection and Security Consulting.

As a fixed asset Subject Matter Expert, Segal conducts security assessments and designs security master plans as well as routine and emergency procedures for business facilities, hotels and critical infrastructure the world over.

Rachel Frost

Master Inv. (ret.) Frost is a 20-year law enforcement veteran specializing in threat assessment and intimate partner violence-related cases, specifically, physical and emotional abuse, stalking, strangulation, restraining orders, sexual abuse, child abuse.

She owns Frost ICED for high-end investigations into violence and abuse and agency/corporate program development for effective violence prevention and response programs



Don't Have Any Previous Speakers?


In the event that your conference does not have any past speakers due to being a new or inaugural event, it's important to adapt your approach to the "Past Speakers" section. Instead of showcasing previous speakers and their contributions, you can utilize this section to highlight the unique value proposition and key benefits of attending your conference for the first time.

Key Elements:

1. Value Proposition: Clearly articulate the value proposition of your conference and what sets it apart from other events in the industry. Highlight the unique content, networking opportunities, and learning experiences that attendees can expect to gain by participating in your inaugural conference.

2. Key Benefits: Emphasize the key benefits of attending your conference, such as access to industry experts, thought-provoking presentations, interactive workshops, and networking opportunities with like-minded professionals. Communicate how attendees will benefit professionally and personally from participating in your event.


The purpose of addressing the absence of past speakers in the "Past Speakers" section is to effectively communicate the value and benefits of attending your conference for the first time. By focusing on the unique value proposition and key benefits of your inaugural event, you can attract prospective attendees and generate excitement and anticipation for the upcoming conference.


While not having past speakers may initially seem like a limitation, it provides an opportunity to highlight the innovative and distinctive aspects of your conference. By clearly articulating the value proposition and key benefits of attending your inaugural event, you can effectively engage potential attendees and motivate them to register and participate.

Action Steps:

1. Define Your Unique Selling Points: Identify the unique aspects of your conference that differentiate it from other events in the industry. Consider factors such as content focus, format, speakers, networking opportunities, and location to define your unique selling points.

2. Craft Compelling Messaging: Develop compelling messaging that communicates the value proposition and key benefits of attending your conference for the first time. Focus on highlighting the opportunities for learning, networking, and professional development that attendees can expect to experience.


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Your Paragraph text goes Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae. here


Your Paragraph text goes Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae. here


Your Paragraph text goes Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae. here


Your Paragraph text goes Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae. here



Your Paragraph text goes Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae. here


Your Paragraph text goes Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae. here


Your Paragraph text goes Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae. here


The "Testimonials" section is a critical component of your conference landing page, as it provides social proof and credibility by showcasing positive feedback from past attendees or participants. Testimonials offer insights into the attendee experience, highlight the value of the conference, and build trust with prospective attendees.

Key Elements:

1. Positive Feedback: Select testimonials that reflect the positive experiences and feedback of past attendees. Look for testimonials that emphasize the value gained from attending the conference, such as insightful sessions, valuable networking opportunities, and actionable takeaways.

2. Diverse Perspectives: Include testimonials from a diverse range of attendees, including industry professionals, thought leaders, first-time attendees, and returning participants. This diversity of perspectives adds credibility and demonstrates the conference's appeal to a broad audience.

3. Authenticity: Choose testimonials that are authentic and genuine, avoiding overly promotional or exaggerated language. Authentic testimonials resonate more with prospective attendees and are more likely to influence their decision to register for the conference.


The purpose of the "Testimonials" section is to leverage social proof to build credibility and trust with prospective attendees. By showcasing positive feedback from past participants, you can reassure potential attendees about the value and quality of the conference experience, ultimately encouraging them to register and attend.


Testimonials play a crucial role in influencing the decision-making process of prospective attendees. They provide real-life examples of the benefits and outcomes of attending the conference, helping to alleviate any doubts or concerns and instilling confidence in the event's value proposition.

Action Steps:

1. Collect Testimonials: Reach out to past attendees and participants to gather testimonials about their conference experience. Ask for specific feedback on the sessions, networking opportunities, speakers, and overall value of the event.

2. Select Compelling Testimonials: Choose testimonials that are compelling, concise, and relevant to the key selling points of your conference. Highlight testimonials that emphasize the unique aspects and benefits of attending the event.

3. Display Testimonials Strategically: Place the testimonials prominently on your landing page, ideally near the registration or call-to-action section. Use visually appealing design elements to draw attention to the testimonials and make them easy to read and digest.


This explanation provides guidance on the purpose, importance, and key elements of the "Testimonials" section, as well as actionable steps for effectively incorporating testimonials into your conference landing page.



While testimonials can be a powerful marketing tool for promoting your conference and building credibility with prospective attendees, it's essential to understand the limitations imposed by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) regulations to ensure compliance with advertising laws.

Key Considerations:

1. Disclosure Requirements: The FTC requires that any material connection between the endorser (the individual providing the testimonial) and the conference organizer be disclosed to consumers. This includes any financial or non-financial incentives provided to the endorser in exchange for their testimonial.

2. Truthfulness and Accuracy: Testimonials must accurately reflect the experiences and opinions of the endorser. Misleading or false testimonials can violate FTC regulations and lead to legal consequences for the conference organizer.

3. Substantiation: Claims made in testimonials must be substantiated by the conference organizer to ensure they are truthful and not misleading. This may involve providing evidence or documentation to support the claims made by the endorser.

FTC Guidelines:

The FTC provides guidelines and regulations to govern the use of testimonials in advertising to protect consumers from deceptive practices. It's essential for conference organizers to familiarize themselves with these guidelines and ensure compliance to avoid potential legal issues.

Action Steps:

1. Provide Clear Disclosures: Clearly disclose any material connections between the endorser and the conference organizer, including any compensation, free products or services, or other incentives provided in exchange for the testimonial.

2. Verify Truthfulness: Verify the truthfulness and accuracy of testimonials before using them in promotional materials. Avoid using testimonials that make exaggerated or unsubstantiated claims about the conference or its benefits.

3. Maintain Documentation: Maintain documentation of any agreements or arrangements with endorsers, as well as evidence supporting the claims made in testimonials. This documentation can serve as evidence of compliance with FTC regulations if needed.

Compliance Responsibility:

Ultimately, conference organizers are responsible for ensuring compliance with FTC regulations regarding testimonials. By understanding the limitations and requirements imposed by these regulations, organizers can effectively use testimonials as a marketing tool while maintaining transparency and integrity in their advertising practices.

Here's What You Get...
(aka "The Offer Stack")


The "Offer Stack" section is where you showcase the value and benefits of your conference package or ticket offerings. It's a strategic element of your landing page that highlights the tangible and intangible assets included in each package to incentivize attendees to register or purchase tickets.

Key Components:

1. Package Details: Provide a breakdown of each conference package or ticket option, including the features, benefits, and pricing. This allows prospective attendees to compare options and choose the package that best suits their needs and budget.

2. Value Proposition: Emphasize the value proposition of each package by highlighting the unique benefits and advantages attendees will receive. This may include access to keynote speakers, workshops, networking events, exclusive resources, and more.

3. Visual Representation: Use visual elements such as icons, graphics, or images to enhance the presentation of your offer stack and make it more visually appealing and engaging for visitors.


1. Clarity: The offer stack provides clarity to prospective attendees by clearly outlining what they will receive in exchange for purchasing a conference package or ticket.

2. Persuasion: By showcasing the value and benefits of each package, the offer stack helps persuade visitors to take action and register for the conference.

3. Differentiation: Highlighting the unique features and benefits of each package helps differentiate them from competitors and positions your conference as a compelling choice for attendees.

Call to Action:

Include a clear and compelling call-to-action (CTA) prompting visitors to take the next step, such as "Register Now," "Get Your Tickets," or "Secure Your Spot." This encourages visitors to act immediately and increases conversion rates.


- Basic Package: Access to keynote speeches and breakout sessions, conference materials, and networking opportunities.

- Premium Package: Everything included in the basic package, plus VIP seating, exclusive workshops, and access to post-conference resources.

- VIP Package: All features of the premium package, VIP networking events, one-on-one sessions with speakers, and priority registration.

Action Steps:

1. Define Package Features: Clearly define the features and benefits of each conference package or ticket option based on attendee preferences and budget considerations.

2. Create Visual Elements: Design visual elements to enhance the presentation of your offer stack, such as icons, graphics, or images representing each package feature.

3. Optimize for Conversion: Use persuasive language and compelling CTAs to encourage visitors to select a package and register for the conference.


The offer stack is a critical component of your landing page that effectively communicates the value proposition of your conference packages and encourages visitors to take action. By highlighting the benefits and features of each package, you can increase attendee engagement and drive conversions.




  • 1000 Broadway,
    Nashville, TN 37203

  • 1000 Broadway, Nashville, TN 37203

The 2024 Close Protection Conference will take place at the Grand Hyatt Nashville. Located on Nashville's 'main strip', the Grand Hyatt is an upscale downtown retreat. This hotel features one of the highest outdoor rooftop bars in Music City and of course--it will be THE place to be during this year's CPC!

Discounted room rate: $289

Hotel reservation deadline: November 15, 2024

Enter group code: G-IPSB or click here:

Book your hotel reservations today!

Nestled in the heart of downtown Nashville, the Grand Hyatt offers the perfect backdrop for our 2024 Close Protection Conference.

This premier venue is conveniently located within walking distance of the city's vibrant entertainment district and iconic landmarks.

Experience unparalleled luxury and sophistication at the Grand Hyatt Nashville. Boasting contemporary design, state-of-the-art amenities, and impeccable service, this esteemed hotel sets the stage for an unforgettable conference experience.

From elegant meeting spaces to world-class dining options, the Grand Hyatt offers everything you need for a productive and enjoyable stay.



The "Itinerary" section outlines the schedule and agenda for the conference, providing attendees with a detailed overview of the event's programming and activities. It serves as a roadmap for attendees, helping them plan their participation and make the most of their conference experience.

Key Components:

1. Event Schedule: Present a chronological schedule of conference sessions, workshops, presentations, keynote speeches, networking events, and other activities planned for each day of the event. Include start and end times for each session to help attendees manage their time effectively.

2. Session Descriptions: Provide brief descriptions or summaries of each session or activity, highlighting key topics, speakers, and learning objectives. This information helps attendees choose which sessions to attend based on their interests and goals.

3. Speaker Information: Include details about the speakers or presenters participating in each session, including their names, titles, affiliations, and biographies. Highlight any notable credentials or expertise to build anticipation and credibility for the sessions.

4. Breaks and Networking Opportunities: Incorporate breaks, meal times, and networking sessions into the itinerary to give attendees opportunities to rest, recharge, and connect with fellow participants. These networking breaks are valuable for fostering connections and collaboration among attendees.

5. Interactive Elements: If applicable, include interactive elements such as Q&A sessions, panel discussions, hands-on workshops, or audience participation activities to engage attendees and enhance their learning experience.


1. Clarity: The itinerary section provides attendees with a clear and organized overview of the conference schedule, helping them plan their attendance and prioritize sessions of interest.

2. Engagement: By including session descriptions and speaker information, the itinerary section encourages attendee engagement and participation by highlighting the value and relevance of each session.

3. Time Management: Attendees can use the itinerary to manage their time effectively, ensuring they don't miss any important sessions or activities during the conference.

Call to Action:

Encourage attendees to review the itinerary carefully and plan their conference experience accordingly. Provide instructions on how attendees can access the full itinerary, make session selections, and participate in various activities throughout the event.


- Day 1:

- 9:00 AM - Opening Keynote Address by [Keynote Speaker]

- 10:30 AM - Panel Discussion: Emerging Trends in [Industry]

- 12:00 PM - Networking Lunch

- 2:00 PM - Workshop: Mastering [Topic] with [Speaker Name]

- 4:00 PM - Break and Networking Reception

- Day 2:

- 9:30 AM - Interactive Q&A Session with [Industry Experts]

- 11:00 AM - Presentation: Innovations in [Industry] by [Speaker Name]

- 1:00 PM - Networking Lunch

- 3:00 PM - Panel Discussion: Strategies for [Industry] Success

- 5:00 PM - Closing Remarks and Networking Mixer

Action Steps:

1. Compile Event Schedule: Gather all necessary information about the conference schedule, including session times, descriptions, speakers, and activities planned for each day.

2. Create Itinerary Section: Design a dedicated section on the conference landing page to showcase the itinerary in a clear and organized format, using tables, bullet points, or other visual elements to enhance readability.


The itinerary section is a vital component of the conference landing page, providing attendees with essential information about the event's schedule, sessions, speakers, and activities. By presenting the itinerary in a clear and organized manner, event organizers can help attendees plan their participation effectively and maximize their conference experience.

Pre-Conference Activities

Gain invaluable insights from renowned keynote speakers and workshop leaders, including [Speaker Name 1] on [Topic] and [Speaker Name 2] on [Topic].

Day 1

Gain invaluable insights from renowned keynote speakers and workshop leaders, including [Speaker Name 1] on [Topic] and [Speaker Name 2] on [Topic].

Day 2

Gain invaluable insights from renowned keynote speakers and workshop leaders, including [Speaker Name 1] on [Topic] and [Speaker Name 2] on [Topic].

Day 3

Gain invaluable insights from renowned keynote speakers and workshop leaders, including [Speaker Name 1] on [Topic] and [Speaker Name 2] on [Topic].

Post-Conference Activities

Gain invaluable insights from renowned keynote speakers and workshop leaders, including [Speaker Name 1] on [Topic] and [Speaker Name 2] on [Topic].


  • Friday - Lorem ipsum

  • Saturday - Dolor Sit Amet

  • Sunday - Consectetuer

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem.

Date: June 11th-13th

Location: San Diego, CA


Any questions can be directed to [email protected]


ACCOMODATIONS: Can you recommend nearby hotels or accommodations?

The 2024 Close Protection Conference will take place at the Grand Hyatt Nashville. Located on Nashville's 'main strip', the Grand Hyatt is an upscale downtown retreat. This hotel features one of the highest outdoor rooftop bars in Music City and of course--it will be THE place to be during this year's CPC!

Discounted room rate: $289

Hotel reservation deadline: November 15, 2024

Enter group code: G-IPSB or click here:


Book your hotel reservations today!

SESSIONS AND WORKSHOPS: Will session recordings or materials be available after the conference?


FAQ image

Join Us

Limited Tickets Available

The Organization

The International Protective Security Board is an independent, volunteer organization devoted to promoting the protection industry’s interests and professionalization.


December 9-11

Grand Hyatt Nashville

1000 Broadway, Nashville, TN 37203

1000 Broadway, Nashville, TN 37203, USA

© Copyright 2024. International Protective Security Board. All rights reserved.